10 Surprising Celebrities Who Vape - From A-List Actors to Chart-Topping Musicians

by Matt Hampton

Famous celebrities socializing at a trendy vape lounge.We've all been caught up in the buzz surrounding vaping, and you might be curious about who in Tinseltown is trading smoke rings for vapor clouds. Well, I couldn't resist doing a little detective work myself, and what do you know? Some of our most adored stars are actually fans of the vape life.

This list isn't just based on hearsay; it's packed with A-listers who are no strangers to enjoying an e-cig or two. So come along and take a peek into the vape scene among the Hollywood elite – you're bound to find a few surprises!

Key Takeaways

  • Many A - list celebrities have embraced vaping, including Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Miley Cyrus, who use their influence to demonstrate that vaping can be a stylish alternative to smoking.
  • Celebrity endorsements of e - cigarettes contribute to changing public perceptions by normalizing the practice and reducing stigma around vaping.
  • The visibility of famous personalities using vape pens encourages fans and others to consider it as a potential tool for quitting traditional cigarettes and leading healthier lives.
  • Stars from various industries such as acting, music, modeling, TV, film, and even royalty like Prince Harry are among those known for supporting vaping.
  • Celebrity vapers not only break down stereotypes but also serve as advocates for a smoke-free future by promoting e-cigarettes as a less harmful habit than smoking.

10 Mainstream Celebrities Who Vape

From A-list actors to chart-topping musicians, there are numerous mainstream celebrities who have been spotted vaping. Some of the surprising names on this list include Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Miley Cyrus, and Samuel L.


Johnny Depp

I spotted Johnny Depp a while back with a vaporizer in hand, and it totally changed my view on the trend. It seems even Hollywood stars like him have picked up vaping as an alternative to smoking.

He pulled it off with his usual cool, showing that e-cigarettes aren't just for the average Joe; they fit right into the glitz of celebrity life too. Plus, seeing someone as big-name as Depp choosing to vape over lighting up a cigarette sends out a powerful message.

It's not every day you catch a famous actor making such a public shift – definitely adds some star power to the entire movement.

Depp actually nailed it on screen once, subtly vaping in "The Tourist." He made using an e-cigarette look so natural — mixing class with rebellion, I'd say. That moment must have turned heads towards ecigarettes more than any ad campaign ever could! Celebs who enjoy vaping seem less about following fads and more about setting their own rules now.

And Johnny? Well, he's always been one to march to the beat of his own drum anyway.

Kate Moss

Kate Moss, the iconic supermodel, has been spotted vaping on numerous occasions. Her embrace of e-cigarettes has made a statement in the world of fashion and celebrity culture. Moss is often seen with her vape pen at events and parties, advocating for a stylish and healthier alternative to traditional smoking.

With her influence, she has helped reduce the stigma around vaping and inspire others to make positive lifestyle changes.

Moving on from Kate Moss, let's explore how another A-list actor is making waves in the world of vaping - Leonardo DiCaprio.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio, known for his award-winning acting and environmental activism, is also a well-known supporter of vaping. His public sightings with a vape pen have contributed to reducing the stigma around vaping and promoting it as an alternative to smoking.

By using his influence to advocate for healthier lifestyle choices, DiCaprio has encouraged many of his fans to consider making the switch from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes.

Moreover, through his advocacy for vaping, Leonardo DiCaprio has played a significant role in raising awareness about the potential benefits of e-cigarettes in aiding smoking cessation.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Moving on from Leonardo DiCaprio, another well-known celebrity who has been seen vaping is Catherine Zeta-Jones. The Academy Award-winning actress has been spotted using vape pens on several occasions.

Known for her roles in movies like "Chicago" and "Ocean's Twelve," Zeta-Jones is often seen as a style icon, and her choice to embrace vaping may influence others in the entertainment industry to consider it as a more fashionable and healthier alternative to smoking.

As a prominent figure in Hollywood, her public support of vaping may help reduce the stigma around it and encourage others to explore its benefits.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, an influential pop icon, has been seen vaping on multiple occasions. Her public embrace of vaping has sparked conversations and debates within the entertainment industry.

By openly using vape pens, Miley Cyrus is breaking stereotypes and challenging the stigma surrounding vaping. As a well-known figure in the music industry, her advocacy for vaping may encourage fans to consider this alternative to smoking.

Cyrus' endorsement of vaping adds significant weight to the movement promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing dependency on traditional cigarettes. Her openness about using e-cigarettes sets a good example for her fan base, showing that it's possible to kick the habit of smoking through different means such as vaping.

Helen Flanagan

Helen Flanagan, the well-known actress and model, has been seen vaping on numerous occasions. Her public support for vaping has influenced many of her fans to consider making the switch from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes.

By openly embracing vaping, she has helped reduce the stigma surrounding this alternative smoking method and encouraged others to explore its benefits. Helen Flanagan's advocacy for vaping aligns with her desire to lead a healthier lifestyle and set a positive example for her followers.

Flanagan's decision to be transparent about her use of e-cigarettes has sparked conversations about the potential advantages of vape pens over conventional smoking. Her influence as a celebrity vaper extends beyond entertainment, contributing significantly to changing perceptions around vaping in popular culture.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry, the renowned pop star, has been spotted numerous times enjoying her vape pen. Her public support for vaping has helped to reduce stigma and promote a healthier alternative to smoking.

By openly embracing vaping, Katy Perry has become an advocate for those looking to transition away from traditional cigarettes, furthering the positive influence of celebrity vapers.

With her high profile and massive reach, Katy Perry's open use of e-cigarettes helps break stereotypes surrounding vaping and encourages individuals to consider it as a viable option for quitting smoking.

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne, a well-known actress and model, has been seen vaping on multiple occasions. Her openness about using vape pens has contributed to normalizing vaping in the public eye.

By being vocal about her choice to vape, she is helping reduce the stigma around it and showing that it can be a healthier alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, Cara's advocacy for vaping serves as an example for her fans and followers.

Her public support for vaping contributes positively by encouraging others to consider making the switch from smoking to vaping. With her influence, she helps promote awareness about the potential benefits of e-cigarettes and encourages people to explore this alternative without judgment.

Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson, one of Hollywood's biggest names, is also a well-known vaper. The actor has been spotted using vape pens on and off the set, showing that even A-list stars are embracing the vaping trend.

His public support for vaping helps reduce stigma around it and encourages others to consider it as an alternative to smoking.

Now let's take a look at other famous personalities who have embraced vaping in various fields..

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher, the talented actress known for her roles in "Wedding Crashers" and "Confessions of a Shopaholic," is also part of the celebrity vaping community. With her widespread influence, she inadvertently promotes a healthier lifestyle through her choice to vape.

By openly embracing vaping, Isla Fisher contributes to reducing the stigma around this alternative to traditional smoking. Her advocacy for vaping serves as an example that even well-known personalities are choosing a less harmful habit.

In addition to her successful acting career, Isla Fisher's support for vaping adds another dimension to her public persona. As more high-profile individuals like Isla Fisher embrace vaping, the shift toward recognizing it as a viable option continues to gain momentum within popular culture.

Other Famous Vapers in Various Fields

Charlie Sheen, Tom Hardy, Jennifer Lopez, Jenny McCarthy, and Prince Harry are just a few of the other well-known personalities who have been seen vaping. To learn more about their influence and the positive impact of celebrity vapers, keep reading!

Charlie Sheen (TV)

Charlie Sheen, known for his TV roles, has been spotted using vape pens on multiple occasions. His public support for vaping has brought attention to the healthier alternative of e-cigarettes and encouraged others to consider making the switch from traditional smoking.

By being open about his own use of vape products, Charlie Sheen contributes to reducing the stigma around vaping and promotes a more positive image for those looking to adopt a smoke-free lifestyle.

As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, his advocacy for vaping adds weight to the growing movement towards embracing electronic cigarettes as a means to quit smoking.

Celebrity influence can be powerful in shaping public opinion and behaviors. When high-profile individuals like Charlie Sheen express support for vaping, it helps normalize this alternative form of nicotine consumption and emphasizes its potential benefits over traditional smoking.

Tom Hardy (Film)

Transitioning from Charlie Sheen (TV) to Tom Hardy (Film), it's interesting to note that Tom Hardy, known for his roles in blockbusters like "Mad Max: Fury Road" and "The Dark Knight Rises," has also been seen embracing the vaping trend.

His public appearances have shown him puffing on a vape pen, contributing to the growing list of A-list actors who advocate for vaping. With his influential status in Hollywood, Hardy's open support for vaping could help reduce the stigma around it and encourage others to consider switching from traditional smoking to a potentially less harmful alternative.

In the world of film, Tom Hardy stands out not only as an exceptional actor but also as a proponent of healthier alternatives. By incorporating vaping into his lifestyle, he adds weight to the visibility and acceptance of this activity among fans and aspiring actors alike.

Jennifer Lopez (Music)

Transitioning from notable film actors who vape, let’s turn our attention to the music industry where we find the multi-talented Jennifer Lopez. A powerhouse in the world of music, J.Lo has been seen enjoying vaping on numerous occasions.

Her influence as a chart-topping musician and actress has undoubtedly brought more attention to the positive aspects of vaping. By openly embracing this alternative to smoking, she is not only setting an example but also contributing to reducing the stigma around vaping among her fans and followers.

Juggling between her successful music career, acting roles, and other ventures, Jennifer Lopez's advocacy for vaping adds another dimension to her influential presence in today’s entertainment industry.

Jenny McCarthy (Model)

Transitioning from the world of music, let's shine a spotlight on Jenny McCarthy. As a well-known model and public figure, Jenny McCarthy has been seen advocating for vaping. Her open support has helped reduce the stigma around vaping and brought attention to its potential benefits in smoking cessation programs.

By sharing her positive experience with vaping, she encourages others to consider this alternative as a means to quit smoking and lead a healthier lifestyle. With influential figures like Jenny McCarthy embracing vaping, it helps pave the way for more individuals to choose this smoke-free option.

Prince Harry (Royalty)

Prince Harry, a prominent member of the royal family, has been spotted using vape pens on multiple occasions. His public embrace of vaping has sparked conversations about the trend among high-profile individuals.

By openly engaging in vaping, Prince Harry has helped to destigmatize the practice and encourage others to consider it as a healthier alternative to traditional smoking. With his influential status, he continues to play a role in normalizing vaping among the public.

It's noteworthy that Prince Harry's support for vaping aligns with his efforts to promote healthier lifestyle choices and advocate for causes close to his heart. As a widely recognized figure, his use of vape pens brings more attention to this practice and supports those who are working towards quitting traditional smoking.

Positive Influence of Celebrity Vapers

Celebrities who vape can have a positive influence by encouraging others to quit smoking, promoting a healthier lifestyle, and reducing the stigma around vaping. Read on to learn more about these surprising celebrity vapers!

Encourages quitting smoking

Celebrity vapers like Johnny Depp and Miley Cyrus set a positive example by showing that switching to vaping can help smokers quit. Their public endorsement of e-cigarettes may inspire others to make the switch, improving their overall health.

Prominent figures using vape pens, such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Katy Perry, demonstrate that quitting is possible and can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Seeing successful stars embracing vaping helps reduce the stigma around it, encouraging others to consider this alternative.

Promotes healthier lifestyle

Promoting a healthier lifestyle, celebrity vapers inspire others to make positive choices. Seeing well-known figures embracing vaping encourages me to prioritize my well-being. Their example serves as a reminder that making healthier choices is achievable, no matter who you are.

Encouraging the shift from smoking to vaping, these influencers play a role in reducing stigma around this alternative. Witnessing Hollywood stars and chart-topping musicians embrace e-cigarettes helps break stereotypes and promotes the idea that everyone deserves a chance to live a healthier life.

Reduces stigma around vaping

Transitioning from promoting a healthier lifestyle, it's worth noting that the public visibility of celebrities who vape has helped reduce stigma around the practice. When well-known personalities openly embrace vaping, it normalizes the behavior and shifts perceptions.

This shift can help create an environment where people feel more comfortable discussing their own experiences with vaping and seeking support if needed.

Encouraging such open discussions about vaping is crucial in breaking down misconceptions and misinformation. This ultimately fosters a more accepting and understanding stance toward those who choose to use e-cigarettes as part of their lifestyle.

Conclusion: Celebrity Vapers - Breaking the Stereotypes and Setting a Good Example

In conclusion, celebrity vapers are changing perceptions and showing a healthier alternative. They inspire others to kick the smoking habit and lead by example in promoting a positive lifestyle choice.

With famous faces embracing vaping, it's becoming more widely accepted and understood. Their influence is breaking stereotypes around vaping and shedding light on its potential benefits for those looking to quit smoking.

Celebrity vapers are using their platform to advocate for a smoke-free future.


1. Who are some A-list actors who vape?

Several Hollywood stars and A-list actors have been seen using e-cigarettes, making them well-known personalities who vape.

2. Are there musicians who also use dab pens & wax pens?

Yes, many chart-topping musicians join the list of famous people who use ecigarettes and embrace vaping as part of their lifestyle.

3. Do any celebrities advocate for vaping?

Indeed, among public figures who support vaping are celebrities known to actively promote the use of vape pens.

4. Have high-profile individuals in the entertainment industry been spotted vaping?

Absolutely! There are notable personalities and prominent names in the entertainment industry caught on camera with their vaporizers, showing that they're into vaping.

5. Why would well-known faces in Hollywood choose to vape?

Some well-known faces in Hollywood may choose to use portable vaporizers due to personal preference or as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes.

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