Combining the powerful hits of a dab pen with the convenience of a pod vaporizer, the Yocan X Pod System Concentrate Vaporizer delivers quality vaporization in a discreet, pocket-sized package.
A powerful 500mAh battery provides large clouds and rich hits while Yocan’s iconic quartz dual coils heat wax to perfection and ensure flavorful and potent vapor. Using the proven USB-C charge connection, these vapes can be powered up in as little as 40 minutes!
Variable voltage technology equips the X Pod Vape with three temperatures, so you can choose between full flavor profiles or fat vapor clouds and higher potency. Multiple colors available.
Kit Includes:
- Yocan X Pod battery
- Mouthpiece and pod
- USB-C charger
- Dab tool
- Instruction manual
- 500mAh battery
- QDC coil pod
- Magnetic attachment to battery
- 10 second preheat function
- Variable voltage
- USB-C charging
- Includes metal dabber tool
- Discreet size
- Multiple color options
- Click Here for replacement X Pod Quartz Dual Coils