Choosing the Best Rolling Papers for 420 Party

by Chris HusongNews
Best rolling papers for beginners 2024

With the unofficial weed 420 holiday approaching, the debate continues about which way is the best way to consume weed. Some smokers insist vaping is the best thing ever while others say they’ll never give up their pipes and bongs. Joint smokers, on the other hand, swear by the ritual and simplicity of rolling and lighting up a joint.

Of course, rolling a joint is cheap. Minimal equipment is needed – just rolling papers, your lighter, and perhaps a grinder (if you want a fine even grind). You’ll also save money buying loose bud instead of buying it pre-rolled. Sure, rolling your own joints takes practice, but with time it is a skill that can be mastered. So there’s no need to pay someone else to roll your joints for you.

A lot of folks really enjoy the ritual of grinding up loose bud and then gently rolling the perfect joint. Anybody can roll a joint that can at least do the job, but there’s more of an art to rolling one that’s beautifully shaped and fully functional. Meaning, it burns evenly and pulls just right. It’s a very respectable tradition!

When it comes to rolling the perfect joint, rolling papers can make a difference. They can affect all aspects of your smoking session, from the shape and size to the flavor and burn rate of your joint. So before choosing the best rolling papers for your 420 party, here are a few things you should know.

Types of Rolling Papers

Once you start looking online, you’ll see that many different types of rolling papers are available. Back in the old days, smokers just used whatever the local head shop had in stock. But these days, you have access to every type of rolling paper imaginable and more.

Best Regular Rolling Papers

The most well-known type of rolling papers are the regular (traditional) ones. They are pretty basic. Many smokers like regular rolling papers because they can look like a hand-rolled cigarette. You can find rice paper too, but more and more brands are also offering hemp rolling papers.

The following top brands offer papers in a variety of shapes, sizes, and thicknesses, from standard packs of rolling papers to pre-rolled cones. If you’re looking to buy rolling papers for your 420 party, you can’t go wrong with the following brands.

RAW Rolling Papers


Because of their reputation, high quality and distinctive look, the RAW brand takes the top spot for regular rolling papers. They avoid using any harsh chemicals in their unbleached, all-natural papers. RAW provides a smoke that’s smooth and without runs. Also, the RAW Foundation delivers food and water to people all around the world. So when you buy from RAW, you’re buying from a company that cares.

Zig-Zag Rolling Papers


Maybe the best-known rolling papers in the world are in the regular pack of Zig-Zag Orange 1-¼ papers. Of course, this is because Zig-Zag has been manufacturing rolling papers since the late 1800s! Zig-Zag uses natural plant flax fibers in their rolling papers. Newbies might need to go with a thicker paper or even a pre-rolled cone because Zig-Zag rolling papers are on the thin side without much grip.

OCB Rolling Papers


OCB stands for Odet-Cascadec-Bolloré, a company that was founded in the early 1900s. OCB rolling papers are heavier which makes them a good choice for smokers who are still perfecting the art of joint rolling. OCB papers burn smoothly and don’t create much ash. They are a true classic rolling paper for roll-your-own smokers.

Best Flavored Rolling Papers

When it comes to choosing the best rolling paper for your 420 party in 2022, don’t pass up flavored ones. Now if you like savoring all the subtle aromas and flavors in weed strains, then flavored rolling papers might impede that. But as an occasional treat to switch things up or for those who are put off by the natural flavor of weed, you should try flavored rolling papers.

Flavored rolling papers, like regular rolling papers, are available in many different shapes and sizes, as well as thicknesses. This means that as you create your own unique rolling and smoking experience, you can also customize your flavor.

Which flavored brand made it onto our list of the best rolling papers? Keep reading to find out!

Juicy Jay’s Flavored Rolling Papers


Juicy Jay’s is our favorite flavored rolling paper brand for flavor aficionados. Their process of triple dipping makes every puff tastes as good as the last, no matter what. The flavor isn’t too sweet and lingers as a very pleasant aftertaste. The artwork imprinted on Juicy Jay’s rolling papers displays the delicious flavor you’ll get. You’ll feel like a kid in a candy store when it comes to choosing from their variety of flavors.

Best Gold Rolling Papers

You might roll your own joints because it’s cheaper than buying pre-rolled ones. But for those who choose to roll their own joints with gold rolling papers, it’s not to save money – it’s to make a luxurious statement. For a dazzling conversation starter or to make a really good impression at your 420 party, roll and light up a joint rolled in 24K gold.

Shine 24K Gold Rolling Papers


Shine 24K gold rolling papers aren’t your everyday papers (unless you’re a millionaire). But for special occasions, we recommend that you keep some on hand. If you like to be the center of attention, nothing works as well as rolling and lighting up one of these babies. In addition, they burn evenly without any aftertaste.

Rolling Machines

When talking about rolling papers, we can’t forget to mention that rolling machines are an amazing tool to help you roll the perfect joint. Even if you have a lot of experience, a weed roller is the way to go if you need to roll a lot of joints for your 420 party. Note: Cannabis connoisseurs prefer the good old-fashioned manual rollers for a perfect joint every time.


So there you have it, here’s our list of the best rolling papers to choose for your 420 party. There are lots of other great brands of rolling papers available, but you can’t go wrong with any of these brand favorites. The perfect rolling papers, cones, wraps, or pre-rolls are out there waiting for you, whatever your smoking style or level of experience may be!

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