How To Use Your Bong For Dabbing

by Chris HusongNews

How To Use Your Bong For Dabbing

Yes, you can definitely use a bong for dabbing. In fact, many people prefer using a bong for dabbing because it can provide a smoother and cooler hit. To use a bong for dabbing, you will need a dab rig attachment, which is typically a nail or banger that fits into the downstem of your bong.

There are several advantages of using a bong for dabbing, including:

Cooler and smoother hits: When you use a bong for dabbing, the vapor travels through the water, which cools and filters it. This can result in a cooler and smoother hit compared to other methods of dabbing.
Larger hits: Bongs are typically larger than traditional dab rigs, which means they can hold more water and more vapor. This can allow you to take larger hits, which can be beneficial for experienced users. 
Versatility: Since you can use a bong for both dry herbs and concentrates, it can be a versatile tool for your smoking needs. You can simply swap out the bowl for a nail or banger and you're ready to dab.
Cost-effective: If you already own a bong, using it for dabbing can be a cost-effective option compared to purchasing a separate dab rig. You only need to purchase a dab rig attachment, such as a nail or banger, to transform your bong into a dab rig.
Easy to clean: Bongs are typically easier to clean than traditional dab rigs since they have fewer small parts. This can make maintenance and upkeep easier and more convenient.

Overall, using a bong for dabbing can provide a unique and enjoyable smoking experience, while also being versatile and cost-effective.

How To Use Your Bong For Dabbing

You can heat up the nail or banger with a torch and place your dab on it, just as you would with a traditional dab rig. From there, you can inhale through the bong's mouthpiece and enjoy your dab. Just be sure to clean your bong and dab rig attachment regularly to maintain the best possible smoking experience.

Using a bong for dabbing is a bit different than using it for smoking dry herb. Here's how you can use your bong for dabbing. Start by filling your bong with water. You want enough water to cover the downstem and create a good seal, but not so much that it splashes into your mouth when you inhale.

Heat up your dab rig with a torch. You want to heat the nail until it's red hot, then let it cool for about 10-15 seconds. If you have an electronic nail, set it to the desired temperature. Once your nail is hot, use your dab tool to place your concentrate on the nail. You want to touch the concentrate to the nail, not the flame, to avoid burning it.

Begin inhaling from the mouthpiece of the bong while still holding the concentrate to the nail. This will cause the vapor to travel through the bong, filtering and cooling the smoke Hold the vapor in your lungs for a few seconds, then exhale. Repeat the process as desired. After each dab, use a cotton swab or dabber tool to clean any residue off the nail. This will help ensure that your bong stays clean and your dabs taste fresh.

Remember to use caution when heating up the nail with a torch, as it can cause severe burns or other injuries if not handled properly. Also, be sure to clean your bong regularly to avoid buildup and maintain the best possible smoking experience.


Using a bong for dabbing can provide a smoother and cooler hit than other methods of dabbing. It can also hold more water and more vapor, allowing you to take larger hits. Additionally, since you can use a bong for both dry herbs and concentrates, it is a more versatile tool for your smoking needs. It can also be cost-effective if you already own a bong, as you only need to purchase a dab rig attachment. Overall, using a bong for dabbing can provide a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.

And if you need a quartz banger, dab tool, torch, or carb cap to use your bong for dabbing, check out all our dabbing accessories at today!

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