[Video] The Best Concentrate Dab Rig

by Chris HusongNews

The HAMR Cold Start Concentrate Rig by Myster is a compact handheld device for consuming waxy concentrates. Myster has centralized all of the essential components into an all-in-one portable wax rig. 

Because cold start dabbing has the potential to waste your concentration. Myster solved this problem by placing all the elements you need conveniently together.

Advantages of Cold Start Dabbing

The advantages of cold start dabbing include the most flavorful hits, as well as smoother hits without burning your lips, throat, or lungs. Importantly, there is less product waste.

How to Use the HAMR Cold Start Concentrate Rig

With this new rig, Myster has transformed a process that was once complicated into three easy steps. Add your concentrates onto the quartz finger banger, start slowly heating the banger using the torch lighter, powering down the torch when you start to see bubbles. Inhale the vapor and enjoy!

What’s in the Box?

This concentrate rig includes the dab rig itself and a quartz finger banger with a built-in SABR torch lighter. In addition, the piece comes with a silicone base, a stainless-steel dabber, a bubble cap, and a zippered carrying case.

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