
    The world has been waiting a very long time for a better storage solution and Boveda has provided the ideal product that can protect the flavor, aroma, and potency of cannabis terpenes. Boveda has now made humidity control efficient and effortless.

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    Boveda Humidity Control Packs
    from $14.99 Regular price $15.99 Save $1

    With more than 20 years of experience, Boveda is the global leader in 2-way humidity control that is essential to safely store food and cannabis (as well as to protect fine cigars and provide the ideal environment for guitars). The company has significantly grown over the years, especially in its partnerships with the cigar, hemp, and guitar industries, as well as Space X! 

    Before humidity control packs, cigar connoisseurs used humidifiers that could only add moisture (even if no moisture was needed). Other solutions were to use sponges or distilled water, messy foams, or chemicals. 

    The Science of Boveda Humidity Control Packs

    The idea came from a humidor maker who was looking for a better way to humidify his personal cigar collection. Working with a chemist and a packaging expert, together they formulated a salt solution along with a permeable membrane to hold liquid while allowing the water vapor to pass through.

    The science of Boveda involves mixing water with certain salts which together regulate humidity naturally. Their patented packaging allows the purified water vapor to be absorbed or emitted. Boveda reacts to the environment around it by absorbing or adding moisture to maintain a precise relative humidity (RH) level in a sealed container.

    Designed to Maintain 62% Relative Humidity

    Boveda humidity control packs can be purchased individually and also in partnership with CVault who is offering the ultimate stainless steel storage container set that includes Boveda humidity control packs for each container. Designed to maintain exactly 62% relative humidity inside a storage container, Boveda humidity control packs prevent humidity from rising higher than 62% RH to properly store dry herb.