Zen Cone Fillers
Discover the efficiency and convenience of Zen Cone Fillers, the perfect solution for filling pre-rolled cones effortlessly. No more messy and time-consuming manual filling with these innovative cone fillers.
Product Information:
- ZEN Quick Shoot King Size 100mm (ZENQKSHOOT) - Retail Unit: One (1) Shooter, Size: 5.45" x 2" x 2.45"
- ZEN Classic Shooter (ZENSHOOTERCLASSIC) - Retail Unit: One (1) Shooter, Size: 4.8" x 1.6" x 1.5"
Designed with your convenience in mind, these fillers simplify the cone-filling process, saving you time and effort. Say goodbye to uneven fills and hello to perfectly packed cones effortlessly. Please note that pre-rolled cones are not included with this product. Rest assured, all items on our site, including this product, are intended and sold for legal purposes only.
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